Land Cleansing (Certificate of completion will be US mailed to you): The Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process is applied by Kamailelauli’I one time with the I-Dentity of the Land. Fee: $1,000.00
The Land Cleansing is done on behalf of the I-Dentity of the Land. Anyone may request a Land Cleansing for any land. It could be your home, your family home, work place, previously owned or occupied land. Land includes the buildings and everything attached to or part of the land such as electric lines, plumbing, driveways, parking areas.
Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® is a petition. The process cannot be manipulated or used for invading privacy.
You can include tax map information as sometimes a property may not have an address.
Inherited property would be important to clean. You don’t have to own the property, have purchased the property or even live there. The cleaning is a petition…to cause to make right. We are always associated with the land in our aspects of life. So important to clean with our ties and connections both known and unknown. Land suffers with the pains, burdens, and actions previously affecting it.
You don’t have to be the owner or even have purchased the property.
With each cleaning we are asking that the negative memories held in the sub conscious mind be gathered and moved towards the Transmutation process. Only Divine Intelligence can do the ultimate Transmutation. The cleaning is a petition, therefore it cannot be considered an invasion of privacy. The Aumakua (Spiritual Self) and Divine Intelligence are the final arbitrators.
Please visit the testimonial page on how others have used the process.
A certificate of completion will be US mailed to you once the Land Cleansing is done.