#18 Absentee Body Work Consultation Service via Email


The Consultation consists of applying the Ho’oponopono Process to the concerns of the client. Fee: $400.00 includes complimentary 30 Day Body Work Inventory Service for orders placed September 2-September 5, 2022. The Inventory Service begins the day you sign up for the consultation.
The Consultation is often done with a person emailing their concerns initially. The Consultation is a one time meditation. When the results are given and questions answered the Consultation is complete. All Consultation Services are done in KR’s Garden.

The SITH Ho’oponopono® Absentee Body Work Consultation Service process starts when you sign up!
Please give Kamailelauli’I up to 10 (ten) days to complete the session. She will EMAIL results of the meditation and include any cleaning tool ho’oponopono process you may use yourself.

FEE: Absentee Body Work Consultation Service: $400.00 Includes Body Work Inventory Service 30 days for orders placed September 2-September 5, 2022.
FEE: Absentee Body Work Inventory Service: $50 ten day service.
FEE: Absentee Body Work Inventory Service: $150 thirty day service.
GE tax is applied to all services for Hawaii residents.

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Thank you for your interest in the consultation service that applies the Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process as updated by Morrnah N. Simeona. The consultation involves using the Ho’oponopono process.

Humanity has made a move forward in evolution– especially that of the woman aspect. All of us have a feminine nature. It is this nature that is so greatly karmically bound. As we work with our new spiritual cleansing tools, apply the Ho’oponopono process and care for our sub conscious selves we facilitate our own evolution and that of the feminine nature. Thank GOD!!! Really…without the cleaning we would be forever stuck.

I have been involved with the Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process for over thirty eight years. Choosing to apply the cleansing methods is a constant choice. It is a moment by moment decision we can make to correct the errors of our past and open the pathways towards our personal freedoms. I am ever grateful for the process.

1) A request is made
2) I ask what the consultation is all about.
3) I do the Ho’oponopono process with the request and what the consultation is about.
4) I get information from the meditation that I share with you.

Personal Consultation consists of applying the Ho’oponopono Process to the concerns of the client. Fee: $400.00

Business Consultation consists of applying the Ho’oponopono Process to the concerns of the business. Fee: $800.00

The consultation is often done with a person emailing their concerns initially. I then do the meditation and we can go over the results either via email, phone, or Skype. The consultation is a one time meditation. When the results are given and questions answered the consultation is complete.

Here is a synopsis of the Ho’oponopono process from Ihaleakala:

Mind experiences from within. What does mind experience? It experiences INFORMATION, either INSPIRATION for perfect existence from the Infinite or MEMORIES from the subconscious replaying old stories, experiences that Shakespeare notes in his sonnets as “fore-bemoan moan, grievances foregone” and “rebel powers.”

Mind has choice moment to moment: to be or not to be free…of memories replaying THE SAME OLD PROBLEMS AGAIN!

Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) provides a way for the mind to be memory free through a problem solving process of repentance, forgiveness and transmutation.


I am 100% responsible for what I experience. And what I experience as problems are caused by memories (“rebel powers”) replaying in me. How wonderful to realize that “Peace begins me.”

Peace of I,
Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D.

PS Information about Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® can be found at the website of IZI LLC

PEACE always and always,

Office Hours: Mon-Wed: 10am to 2pm.  Thurs-Fri: 10am to 1pm.
Website payment: www.bingboardconsultingllc.com
Please make checks payable to:
Bingboard Consulting LLC, PO Box 11990, Honolulu, HI 96828
Ph/Fax: 808-734-6945
Email: KR@hawaii.rr.com
SKYPE: kamaile999