MsKr Book 4


Book 4 BLUE ICE: Partnering with the Child MsKr SITH® Conversations

BLUE ICE: Partnering with the Child, MsKr SITH® Conversations, Book 4: This book is the fourth in a series of books on the use and applications of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®), an ancient Hawaiian problem solving method, updated by Kahuna Lapa’au Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona. SITH® can be used by any individual to release stress and bring about freedom and balance. BLUE ICE: Partnering with the Child is a compilation of discussions between Kamailelauli’I Rafaelovich and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len about SITH® from an ongoing radio program called MsKr SITH® Conversations. In this book these two master practitioners discuss practical applications of SITH® to situations in their lives and using SITH® as a problem-solving method. They discuss how they work with their Unihipili, their Inner Child, how they educate the Child, and how they partner with the Child to do the SITH® cleaning.

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Single Book, Buy Whole Series, Books 1-8, Book 4, Case of 10 (Wholesale)