Cleaning Cards

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PEACE and THANK YOU always for this opportunity to clean!

108 Bamboo Card 1 (size: 3.375″ x 2.125″ landscape)


“The Bamboo Card is a Universal Cleaning Tool – Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® that works as a master cleaning tool. It assists us with our finding our right and perfect place within ourselves, our family, our society, and our world! Helps to cut the extreme negative memories that contribute to our experiences–allowing for Peace and Balance.”

“Takes off the Footprints”. So the earth can rest. we can move freely. The Blue Heart beats as a New Heaven and New Earth. Elevates the consciousness. Resuscitates.

This is a deep cleaning tool. You can use this tool by holding it, looking at it, and gently asking it to assist you with the cleaning.

The Cleaning Card is made of 30mil plastic with image on both sides.

61 in stock

109 Bamboo Card 2 (size: 3.375″ x 2.125″ landscape)


“The Bamboo Card is a Universal Cleaning Tool – Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® that works as a master cleaning tool. It assists us with our finding our right and perfect place within ourselves, our family, our society, and our world! Helps to cut the extreme negative memories that contribute to our experiences–allowing for Peace and Balance.”

“Takes off the Footprints”. So the earth can rest. we can move freely. The Blue Heart beats as a New Heaven and New Earth. Elevates the consciousness. Resuscitates.

This is a deep cleaning tool. You can use this tool by holding it, looking at it, and gently asking it to assist you with the cleaning.

The Cleaning Card is made of 30mil plastic with image on both sides.

207 Bamboo Bookmark (size: 2″x5″ portrait)


“The Bamboo Bookmark is a Universal Cleaning Tool–Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® that works as a master cleaning tool. It assists us with the cleaning of deep seated emotions, blocks, and negative connections that bind us or block us from being who we ARE. Excellent for cleaning with books, papers, files and other forms of written documentations.”

“Takes off the Footprints”. So the earth can rest. we can move freely. The Blue Heart beats as a New Heaven and New Earth. Elevates the consciousness. Resuscitates.

This is a deep cleaning tool. You can use this tool by holding it, looking at it, applying it physically to files, papers, binders, books, and documents. Good to use with any written materials.

251 TIME Bookmark (size: 5″x2″ landscape)


The Cleaning Card is made of 30mil plastic with image on both sides.

110 Hapu Forest (size: 3.375″ x 2.125″ landscape)


Life Force = Hapu Forest
Hapu Forest. This is a place in HO’OMAU RANCH that had suffered a drought, plants lost their leaves and seemed to be dying. One day as I was riding by the meditation opened. I looked up at where I had stopped the vehicle and there was this beautiful growing lush and vibrant forest area. It had been restored to it’s life and true being. Thus as we clean we are restoring our selves and our relationship within our I-Dentity.

The Cleaning Card is made of 30mil plastic with image on both sides.

112 Pond (size: 3.375″ x 2.125″ landscape)


I-Dentity= Pond

Pond. This is a picture from the Pond on La’I Road house. The rain was falling and the pond naturally fills from the drops. While the pond is on the ground the picture is of the skies. The ripples in the water represent self and I-Dentity of three selves. Profound introspection cleaning as we use the Pond card. We are here and our actions, thoughts, words and deeds impact all around as a drop sends a ripple into the pond.

The Cleaning Card is made of 30mil plastic with image on both sides.

111 Moss (size: 3.375″ x 2.125″ landscape)

Growth and Development (energy, sustenance, perspective) = Moss

Moss. This is a place in HO’OMAU RANCH where the old growth Ohia trees rise high into the sky. The trees may have been there several hundred years experiencing the changes in Hawaii. As I was cleaning, I looked down to a mossed area and took the picture. Here too is a “tall tree” growing up into the sky and has been there a long long time. Mosses have their own world in a more miniature system, but ancient none the less. Incredible cleaning with the time, space, and structure of life was opened from the Moss.

The Cleaning Card is made of 30mil plastic with image on both sides.


No guarantee whatsoever is made to anyone by, Bingboard Consulting LLC, Kamaile Rafaelovich, and its employees, independent contractors, volunteers, sponsors, and instructors, or by the Divinity, the “I”, that the system of stress release and self-identity known as Ho’oponopono or Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono®, as updated by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, including, but not limited to, all meditations, visualizations, decrees, cleansings, spiritual healings and protections embodied on this website or in any of the MsKr conversations, ZeroLag products, KR Foods that Breathe products, Consultation Services, Inventory Services or literature will yield specific results or desired outcomes at any time.

The functioning of the Ho’oponopono process in conjunction with universal and cosmic laws is a direct experience between each individual, his or her own tri-une self and the Divinity, the “I”. Karma and Divine Providence must be the final arbiter of each one’s application of the Ho’oponopono process. Each individual can only be a witness to his or her own personal healing, cleansing and protections of body, mind and spirit through the use of disciplines and processes herewith. The practice of proof of the Ho’oponopono process rests with the individual as each may prove or disprove the power of Ho’oponopono for himself or herself.